Change is on the horizon

Thursday, 24 April 2008

Over the past couple weeks I have been doing a bit of soul searching. I knew something was wrong but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I have been starting to think where I want to go in my career, and what I want to accomplish life. It has always been a goal to be a millionaire by the time I am 30. Now as someone who just turned 24 I realize that my time is getting short and if I want to accomplish my goals I need to get moving.

Yesterday my life got turned upside down as Black & Decker laid off ~150 people, including some of my friends who have been my social outlet for life down in TN. Besides the obvious grief I felt for my friends I felt a large amount of guilt. I know many of the other people who were let go at my facility had family they needed to support, house payment, cars, etc. These obligations are ones that I just don’t have. While it would be terrible to loose my job I have come to realize that I am in a much better position then most. Part of me really wishes that I could go back and tell them to take me instead.

The economy is really effecting B&D as so much of their business is directly related to building new homes and house renovations; both of which is at a 17+ year low. Today marks the end of the first quarter of 2008 and I believe that is what prompted the layoffs. If things go badly the next quarter I think my number might be up.

Seeing the silver lining for this situation I have decided to push ahead with some of my entrepreneurial ideas and maybe if things take a turn for the worse at B&D I will be able to swing it in to my own company. In making moves towards this goal I realized that sometimes a physical change can act as a reminder for a personal goal. In following that though process I shaved off my beard.

About: Greg Needel

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